Select Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Clonan-Roy, Katie, Erika M. Kitzmiller, Rhiannon Maton, Michael Kokozos, Casey Matthews, & Charlotte Jacobs, “White Parents & Caregivers’ Perceptions of Equity & Anti-Racism Work at an Independent School,” Teachers College Record 125(7-8), 77-109.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. & Akira Drake Rodriguez, “Addressing Our Nation’s Toxic School Infrastructure in the Wake of COVID-19,” Educational Researcher, 51, no. 1 (January/February): 88–92.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. & Elizabeth Burton, “The threat of visibility and state-sanctioned violence for rural Black Lives Matter youth,” Journal of Research in Rural Education, 37, no. 7 (December): 57-66.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “We are the Forgotten of the Forgottens: Teacher Perspectives on Charter School Reform,” Harvard Educational Review, 66, no. 3 (Fall 2020): 371 – 396.
McWilliams, Julia & Erika M. Kitzmiller, “Mass School Closures and the Politics of Value and Disposability in Philadelphia,” Teachers College Record, 121, no. 2 (January 2019): 1-44.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “Educating Educators in the Age of Trump,” Radical Teacher: A Socialist, Feminist, and Anti-Racist Journal on the Theory and Practice of Teaching, 2018, 111: 65-79.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “Nellie Rathbone Bright: Acclaimed Author, Educator Activist, Un-American Woman?” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 114, no. 3, (October 2017): 297–328.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “‘You Can’t Control Me!’: Cultivating Authority in a Struggling Urban High School.” Teachers College Record, 115, no. 12, (December 2013): 1-43.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “Imperial Fantasies: Children’s Literature in the White City.” Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 43, no. 1, (Fall 2013): 33-53.
Kitzmiller, Erika M. “Witnessing the Power of El Sistema in Urban Communities: Sister Cities Girlchoir.” Bank Street Occasional Papers, 2013, no. 30, (October 2013): 110-120.